Copies of a brief and a feasibility report about Cressingham Gardens estate have been lost, Lambeth council have admitted.
The admission from a council officer comes in response to a Freedom of Information request.
The following Freedom of Information request, submitted to Lambeth council, appears on What do they know? (
Why were structural works to Cressingham Gardens estate abandoned?
“Tom Keene made this Freedom of Information request to Lambeth borough council
“The request was successful” says the opening comment. (Eventually – and not entirely successful – News From Crystal Palace)
March 2nd 2013
Dear Lambeth borough council,
I recently discovered on Lambeth’s website, see link:…
that work to Cressingham Gardens estate “Structural works to include 1-39 Upgrove Manor Way, 8-14 Hambridge Way and 47-52 Crosby Walk” was abandoned 4 Apr 2011. Can you clarify the reason for this abandonment?
1. Was it a result of a quote for repairs costing £500.000+?
2. Or because of an insurance excess of £500.000?
3. If a quote for work was obtained can exact details of this be supplied, including a breakdown of amounts and contractors?
4. Or was it for any other reason?
The same web page also states that “resident consultation” was to be undertaken:
1. Can you state who this consultation was made with?
2. What form did this consultation take?
3. Was the tenants and residents association informed and who was spoken to?
4. Can you provide full details of the outcome of this consultation?
The same web page finally states that “Brief Issued. Feasibility report received”. Can this brief and report be supplied?
Yours faithfully, Tom Keene
(March 7th 2013: Lambeth council acknowledges the FOI request)
April 4th 2013
Dear FoI,
I submitted a FOI request on the 2nd March 2013 (see below) yet am still waiting for a reply.
By law, the authority should normally have responded promptly and by 3 April 2013. In which case, what actions can I take to ensure I receive this information?
Yours sincerely, Tom Keene
April 10th 2013
From: FoI
Lambeth Borough Council
Dear Tom Keene,
Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay of your response. I will ask relevant service area to send you an urgent update.
Best wishes, Tracy Phillips, Information Compliance Advisor (Solicitor)
Governance & Democracy
From: Ogun,Toyin
April 12th 2013
Dear Mr Keene,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request which was received on 2 March 2013.
I am very sorry that we have not been able to provide you with a response as of yet.
We are waiting on further information from colleagues who have not been available.
We are still in the process of dealing with your Freedom of Information request (FOI).
We should be in a position to provide you with a full and detailed response by 26 April 2013.
Once again please accept our sincere apologies for the delay and any inconvenience caused.
Kind Regards Toyin Ogun Customer Services Manager – Central Lambeth Living
Greenleaf Close, Tulse Hill SW2 2HB
From: Tom Keene
May 19th 2013
Dear Ogun,Toyin,
I submitted a FOI request on the 2nd March 2013 yet am still waiting for a reply.
By law, the authority should normally have responded promptly and by 3 April 2013. This deadline has clearly not been met. Please answer my question as requested.
Yours sincerely, Tom Keene
From: Renesto,Maurizio
21 May 2013
Dear Mr Keene
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request reference 171225 Firstly please accept my apologies for the late response. Please find below, the answer to each point of your request.
For ease of reference I have enclosed below the text of your original questions and, highlighted in blue, our response.
I recently discovered on Lambeth’s website, see link:
that work to Cressingham Gardens Estate “Structural works to include 1-39 Upgrove Manor Way, 8-14 Hambridge Way and 47-52 Crosby Walk” was abandoned 4 Apr 2011.
1.Can you clarify the reason for this abandonment?
i.Was it a result of a quote for repairs costing £500.000+?
This was not the reason for the works being abandoned.
ii.Or because of an insurance excess of £500.000?
This was not the reason for the works being abandoned.
iii.If a quote for work was obtained can exact details of this be supplied, including a breakdown of amounts and contractors?
A quote was not received for the works, as plans for the structural work did not get that far before being abandoned.
iv.Or was it for any other reason?
Structural works at Cressingham Gardens estate were abandoned in April 2011, because they were superseded by the proposed regeneration of the estate which will take into account all the necessary works and remedy all defects.
The same web page also states that “resident consultation” was to be undertaken:
2.Can you state who this consultation was made with?
A consultation with residents did not take place. This was because the plans for Cressingham Gardens never reached consultation stage.
The scope of the works needed to be identified before any consultation could take place. The preliminary surveys that took place were meant to identify and establish the scope of such works.
These never reached the consultation stage before the works were abandoned, as superseded by the regeneration work.
3. What form did this consultation take?
Please see answer above (question 1)
4.Was the tenants and residents association informed and who was spoken to?
As mentioned in answer to question 1, an official consultation did not take place as the plans works were abandoned before reaching the stage of a formal consultation.
The proposals for Cressingham Gardens were discussed once or twice at tenants and residents association meetings (TRA’s), however this was just an informal discussion and was not part of an official consultation with residents.
5.Can you provide full details of the outcome of this consultation?
Not applicable, per answer to question 1, above.
The same web page finally states that “Brief Issued. Feasibility report received”.
6. Can this brief and report be supplied?
I have referred this point to our major works senior project manager, Joseph Ajala. However, I have been advised that no copies of the brief and feasibility report could be located.
Once again, please accept my apologies for the late response and do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information with your request.
If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your Freedom of Information request has been dealt with you can request an internal review by emailing: [2][Lambeth Borough Council request email] (Please quote the reference number above) or by writing to: Information Compliance Advisor (Solicitor) Legal Services Lambeth Town Hall Brixton Hill Brixton SW2 1RW
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the review you have a further right to appeal to the Information Commissioner, who regulates the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act. The Commissioner can be contacted at the following address:
Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely Maurizio Renesto Customer Response Manager Service Improvement Lambeth Living 1st Floor Hambrook House Porden Road London, SW2 5RW