CINEMA CAMPAIGNERS will be outside Sainsbury’s supermarket on Westow Street tomorrow (Saturday 3rd January).
The Picture Palace Campaign say they have been copied into lots of very considered objections to KICC’s proposals for change of use over the past 12 days.
In a “Thank you” message the Campaign say:
“We’ll be having a big push over the next 3 weeks to drive up numbers of objections and to ensure that the local community who live, work and spend their recreation time in and around Crystal Palace are fully aware and understand what change of use will actually mean if KICC were to be granted permission and why it is so important to retain the sole D2 use of 25 Church Road for the benefit of the whole community and to keep alive our vision of returning a cinema there.
“This is not just about whether a cinema would be better at 25 Church Road.
“It is about the negative impact KICC’s proposals to turn the premises into a church, conference, business centre, counselling centre etc. for their sub-regional congregation will have on the local area, residential amenity, parking and traffic and the local economy of the town centre.
“There are also major concerns that if KICC are granted permission for D1 (all the uses above which are KICC’s bread and butter activities to raise funds for the acquisition of more and more premises) the D2 use of the 25 Church Road will drop off as frankly the building is not fit for purpose as a multi-use venue as described in their supporting planning statement.
“It is nothing more than a church with a large church hall for hire and at exorbitant hire prices at that. “More importantly, KICC will only let the building be hired for activities they approve of.
“We’ll also be having campaign stalls outside Sainsbury’s on Saturday 10th and Saturday 17th. “Please do pop by and have a chat and if you can spare any time to help hand out flyers we’d love to see you.
“And if you can spare any time to help the campaign by leafleting your street, please drop us a line at [email protected] .”
Southwark, Lambeth, and Lewisham councils have been awarded £1.1m in recognition of the innovative approach they’ve developed supporting residents back into work.
The three boroughs won the award through a competitive bidding round as part of the Government’s Transformation Challenge programme.
The money is being used to fund the Pathways to Employment initiative, which provides more personalised and ‘joined-up’ help for local people looking to get back into employment, working alongside Jobcentre Plus, and the charity, Tomorrow’s People.
Through tailored ‘back to work’ plans, residents with particular requirements or expectations, such as single parents, 18-24 year olds, the 50-plus age group, and those with mental health issues, are offered a support network, which will simplify the journey back into permanent employment.
Southwark council leader Cllr Peter John, said: “We are delighted to have been recognised for our hard work in this area.
“By working together and drawing on our collective experience, resources, and links with local employers, we will use the financial support to transform the employment opportunities for those most in need across our three boroughs, and in doing so, help get our residents back to work as quickly as possible.”
Mayor of Lewisham Sir Steve Bullock said: “This award demonstrates the level of hard work and expertise that has gone into ensuring that this initiative is a success across our three boroughs.
“The collaborative approach to helping people with a range of needs means we can better target the services they require access to, and in turn help them get into work and training.
“The extra funding is vital to making sure we can provide even more support to those who need it most.”
Lambeth council leader Cllr Lib Peck said: “This extra funding is an endorsement of the partnership between the three boroughs and means we can offer support and help to people who most need it.
“Evidence shows that local initiatives are far more effective at helping people into work than a one size fits all approach.”
If you would like more information about the Pathways to Employment programme, please contact the programme manager Rahul Rana on 0207 525 2223 [email protected] (Source: Southwark council press release)
Southwark council will be welcoming community bids for a single, new Neighbourhoods Fund worth £542,000 from Monday (January 5th).
The new Fund is designed to make applying for funding easier by combining the former Community Council Fund and the Cleaner Greener Safer Revenue Fund into one simple application process.
Cllr Ian Wingfield, cabinet member for communities, employment and business, said: “Southwark council recognise the importance of local action by communities, in developing relationships, making neighbourhoods come to life, and increasing skills and abilities which mean communities can grow from strength to strength.
“The Neighbourhoods Fund will allow community councils to make decisions locally on neighbourhood priorities and provide the means of getting good ideas off the ground.”
Applications will be made online at with guidance notes about how the new fund will work and what sort of projects would be suitable for funding.
The deadline for applications is 12 noon on Monday 16 February, and applications received after this time will not be considered for funding. (Source: Southwark council press release)