2 Nov
AN ELECTRIC blanket-testing day produced some shocking statistics – TWO – THIRDS were unsafe to use. They included one blanket which was an amazing 50 years old.
The event, organised by Croydon council’s trading standards department with the assistance of the vulnerable adults team, police, Age UK Croydon, Climate Energy and the London Fire Brigade, saw 39 blankets presented for a check over. 
Of those, 26 failed and were deemed unsafe to use. The 50-year-old blanket was followed by another that had been keeping its owner warm for a mere 30 years which was also condemned.
Because some people might have found it difficult to get along to the testing station at the Age UK Croydon offices in Thornton Heath, collection was arranged for a number of elderly or housebound residents who were provided with crime prevention packs put together by the trading standards team.
Age UK Croydon’s Irene Jordan said: “This exercise has proved that people shouldn’t be complacent when it comes to ensuring the safety of domestic electrical appliances. “The owners of the 26 failed blankets can come to us and we’ll see if we can offer help if they can’t afford to replace them.
“They can contact our Helpline on 0845 600 1090. “The loss of their blankets has corresponded with a marked drop in temperature and, with winter almost upon us, it’s a worry.”
 Cllr Simon Hoar said: “While some might think the turn-out was a little on the low side, I was assured by the tester that it was not unusual that a first event, such as this, often acted as a trigger to greater awareness of the need for a regular check, and increased attendance at future events.
“And the need of regular checks is more than borne out by the number that failed – and by the veteran status that some of them had acquired.”
      *Failed blankets still in reasonable condition as far as the fabric is concerned will be offered to a local animal sanctuary, minus their electrical leads and plugs, to offer some comfort to the residents there.
(Source: Croydon council press release) 

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